Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Reading Lame-bow

I'm pretty sure not many people will be reading this, but i find it ironic that in this post i'll be making fun of people reading things.

When did reading become such a cool thing to do? Or maybe it isn't? But I will say this, people who do read for fun and/or do a lot of reading seem to think they're better than the rest of us that don't quite enjoy it. I can't be the only one that feels this way either. Hey all you "bookies" (a name i'm giving to people that like to read books) guess what, i finished fourth grade too. You're not any better than me cuz you wasted 2 weeks reading a book thats gonna end up being a TV movie next spring on TNT. Look to each his own, but i dont see the point. Maybe back at the turn of the century i'd be into it, but i got cable and it's pretty awesome.

The other big issue i have is all these books they are making into to movies. And its not so much that they're making the movies from the books, its more the reaction you always see. Whether its the people read the book and now wanna go see the movie or the people that saw the movie and now want to go read the book. The same thing always happens, a movie comes out that was taken from a book and you here this, "The book was better." Really? The book was better? Words on a white sheet of paper was better than an IMAX theatre. Was the book better because the guy that made the movie didn't quite see everything the same way you did? In my opinion the best part of reading a book is that you can interpret it any way you want. Having said that i don't read books so what do i know. I also absolutely love the people that see the movie and then go buy the book. I'm convinced they do it just so they can tell people they read the book and then when they get asked questions about it they won't sound stupid. Honestly reading a book after seeing the movie is like putting a condom on after sex. Not sure if that comparison works....let me try again. Reading a book after seeing the movie is like tying your shoes after you go for a run. Not much better, but i digress.

I am starting to get a little annoyed with all this series of books that continue to come out. If a movie makes 4 sequels they're just "trying to milk" all the money out of the franchise. But every book that is out nowadays seems to be part of a series and it's all ok because they're "masterpieces." Sorry but Twilight is not a masterpiece. And i don't have any quotes of anyone saying Twilight is a masterpiece but millions of people read that crap. Which brings me back to my original point...if millions of people are reading stupid vampire books and millions of people are going to the movies to see stupid vampire movies, it just goes to show you that all those people who are reading are just as dumb as the rest of us who don't want to waste our time doing something that took you 2 weeks to do that we'll do in 2 hours. Not to mention those people are gonna go see the movie anyways.

Some other things to remember when choosing reading over going to a movie:

Not sure about you but one of the best parts of the movies is the popcorn. I'm not saying you can't have popcorn while you read, but who wants greasy popcorn pages in their books.

Correct me if i'm wrong but you can't really read a book as a group. I am aware of books clubs by the way. But you can't be reading a book and look over to a friend to see the reaction to different parts of the book.

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